Caroline Dream - Author

Clown Yourself is a useful manual for both clown students and facilitators.

Within its pages Caroline shares what she has been exploring with her students since publishing her first book, THE CLOWN IN YOU.

The first part is packed with valuable information, exercises and examples, whilst the second offers ideas on how to practise different aspects of the art of clowning in your daily life.

Clown Yourself aims to reinforce and broaden your understanding of clown technique, as well as encourage you to think and behave in clown-like ways in your daily life.

What the professionals said about “Clown Yourself“

Becoming a clown requires long years in the “searching process” with no guarantee of ever arriving. This book is helpful to anyone who wants to meet their own ridiculousness in a deeply relaxing way.
Gardi Hutter

Recommendable and tasty food to nourish clown thought.
Nola Rae | Clown (UK)

There are now more clown books than ever before but it is rare to find one that so clearly details fundamental tools to practise the craft. It is a brilliant guide, packed full of great exercises and wonderful classroom examples that are laugh out loud funny. I loved it.
Fraser Hooper | Clown (UK, New Zealand)

Caroline’s second book is a masterful exploration into what it means to be a clown for both the practitioner and the teacher. Her vast knowledge and understanding of the enormous variety of clown routines and character, and her ability to describe them, makes this book a fascinating read. An inspirational guide!
Hilary Chaplain | Clown (USA)

This book is a wonderful toolbox for building paradise. A masterful compendium of reflections, personal experiences and useful exercises. A necessary reference book for those of us who have undertaken the journey into the clown universe, and for all those who wish to undertake the clown adventure. Absolutely recommended.
Pepe Viyuela / Clown, actor (Spain)

“Clown Yourself” contains wise advice shaped over many years of experience, as well as exercises and games that will help you walk the long and complex path that you will have to take to become a clown. Have a good trip!
Tortell Poltrona | Clown, Founder of Circ Cric & Payasos sin Fronteras (Spain)

This book is a gem. It has everything a clown student needs: ideas, images, exercises, secrets. It also has what every clown teacher will treasure: a battery of exercises, valuable information and helpful tips.
Wendy Ramos | Clown, actor, facilitator (Lima, Peru)

A real shortcut to an exhaustive understanding of the art of clowning. Entertaining and well documented, it is a condensed reading of concrete truths of easy application that I absolutely recommend.
Alain Vigneau | Clown, facilitator, therapist (France/Spain)

THE CLOWN IN YOU contains all kinds of valuable clown knowledge; both practical and theoretical. Within its pages readers will find all the basic principles of clowning, first-hand clowning experiences, tried and tested clown games and exercises, quotes from interviews Caroline held with professional clowns, examples of clown improvisations, and explanations of the clown philosophy underlying all the comic techniques used by clowns. The book thus provides an unprecedented insight into the heart of clowning and throws a fresh light on all the skills, audacity and dedication needed to encounter, encourage and set free one’s clown.
Valued as a pedagogical gem by international clowns, circus critics, and trainers from all corners of the planet, The Clown in You is a book recommended for everyone: clown and theatre students, professional clowns, volunteer hospital clowns, clown teachers, comedians, actors, circus artists, laughter therapists, anyone interested in the figure of the clown, anyone attracted by the idea of improving their physical, emotional, spiritual or mental health through comedy and laughter, and anyone who wants to learn new skills to improve their social or professional success.
Packed with invaluable gems for understanding and creating in the art of clowning.
ROB TORRES, Clown, Big Apple Circus, U.S.A.
A very useful book for student and professionals of clowning.
Clown Yourself Book Caroline Dream
The Clown in You

The Clown In You
Edited by Alex Navarro
Published in 2014.
ISBN-13: 978-84-616-9652-9

El Payaso Que Hay En Ti, the spanish version
published in 2012 is presently in its 4th edition.

The book was also translated into Portuguese
on 2018 (O palhaço que existe em você).

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